Please be sure to include the attendees information under the shipping address if different from the billing address.

Payment and Registration is via PayPal only.
You will receive confirmation via email.
Connecticut Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO) Training Class
Sign-up Form

Friday, March 14, 2025

Training class will be held at Cabela’s
475 East Hartford Blvd. North
East Hartford, CT 06118

Time: Door open at 9am
Class will be 9:30am to 6pm
Cost:  300.00  per person
Connecticut Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator
(NWCO) Training Class Sign-up

Including Instruction In:
Site Evaluation, Humane Capture, Handling & Transport, Euthanasia, Methods of Approved Lethal and Non-lethal Resolution of Nuisance Wildlife Problems and Techniques to Prevent Recurrence.

Presented by:
The Connecticut Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators Association, Inc.

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Training class will be held at Cabela’s
475 East Hartford Blvd. North
East Hartford, CT 06118

Time: Door open at 9am, Class will be 9:30am to 6pm.
Cost: $300.00 per person.

Bring your own lunch as Cabela’s restaurant is not in operation.

You must pre-register by using the PayPal link above for payment and attendees information.
Refunds only w/48 hours notice.

Registrations and Payments must be received 7 days prior to the class start date.

No other registrations will be accepted after this date and no walk-ins will be allowed

Only those persons whose registration and payment have been received by the CTNWCO Assoc. by the deadline will receive a CTNWCO Training study packet containing information necessary to prepare for the State NWCO licensing exam which is scheduled the following this training there will be a state administered NWCO examination on Friday, March 21, 2025. Time and location to be announced.

This course is pre-requisite training and must be completed before taking the CT NWCO Exam!!

CTNWCO Association reserves the right to cancel if the minimum class size is not met or return your fees if the max size is achieved.

(Lunch is on your own)